This excursion was in Cancun Mexico. My mom and my best friend Alina went on this excursion together. We first got to go to this beautiful place with such clear water. It was near the cave and there were multiple activities you can do in that area. My mom was feeling a little tired, so she laid in a hammock near the water. Me and Alina did multiple things. We jumped off a taller part where we could jump down into the water. We also zip lined into the water. Then we swam and enjoyed the water for a bit before going to the cave. Then we all went to the cave where they explained how it’s a freshwater cave. They explained some history about how they use to drink water from the cave and sometimes they still do. When stepping into the water of the cave the water was so much colder than the first place we went, It gave us all goosebumps. But the water was so clear and so beautiful. There was a shallow area of the cave that we came across where the tour guide let us take some cool photos. Exploring the cave was so much fun and I would love to do it again. I hope to explore more caves in the future.