The shark dive was in the Bahamas. I have been a certified scuba diver since I was around 12 or 13. Me and my mom have been scuba diving ever since and we have dived in really cool locations. My mom has been trying to talk me into scuba diving with sharks for such a long time. I have always turned down her offer because diving with sharks terrified me. Eventually, I caved in and decided that we should do it. I was still really scared but my mom was so excited. I wanted to face my fear because I know that I would have a great time. This dive consisted of two separate dives on the same day. The first dive we went to was more normal. We got to swim around explore the coral and fish but didn’t see too many sharks yet. We even got to swim through a boat which is really cool, and I’ve done it before but this one was more damaged. The second dive while we started descending, I saw rocks placed all around in a huge circle. I was really scared because I know this was the dive we would see multiple sharks around us. The dive instructor placed all of us near our own individual rock. The rocks were place markers for where people should kneel. The instructors told us before we went down to keep our hands/arms close to our body because the sharks might get confused and think we have food and try to bite us. Hearing that was a little scary but understandable. When everyone was placed near there rock the dive instructor came down in full chain mail on his body and a box with meat inside. He would stay in the center of the circle while all the sharks swarmed. The sharks would not get too aggressive because they all knew they were getting food and it was really cool to see them swim all around us. Sharks were so close that they were bumping into us sometimes with their fins and tails. They would swim so close up to your face and around you. after 5 minutes of being down there I faced my fear and knew I would be ok. It was such an amazing experience and I am so glad I got to do it with my mom. I am glad she talked me into doing that excursion. I feel like I learned so much and it made me so much more confident in the end.