Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for, cooking the crabs. One thing about Marylanders and their crabs is that there are several unique ways to prepare them to create delicious meals. By far the most popular way is steaming, which involves placing all of your crabs into a large pot with your desired spices and liquids (how-to-video included in widget section). You can then eat them as is, use the cooked crabs for soups and stocks, or pick the meat out of the crabs and use them for other dishes, the possibilities are endless.
Preparing and eating the crabs you caught is by far the most rewarding part of the crabbing experience. All of the hard work and time taken to catch these Maryland scavengers pays off once you cook them to your satisfaction, and gather and eat them with friends or family. This species of crustacean is really what makes Maryland unique, their ability to create a statewide industry that brings businesses, communities and friends together is incredible. I believe everyone, even if not from Maryland, deserves a chance to try crabbing. It provides insight on the nature of crabs as well as learning to respect the crab population, and most importantly showing what they bring to the culture and customs of Maryland.