Final Project

For the topic of my final project, I decided to do the country where I am from, PerĂº. I love where I am from and the culture that raised me. While I have only touched the surface, In this project I have tried to include a little bit of everything.

These four pictures are just the beginning, but they mean a lot to me because of different reasons. The first one is Lima, which is the capital and the city where I am from. The second one is our soccer fans at the Russia World Cup in 2018. It had been 35 years since we made it to the World Cup, so when we qualified everybody was filled with joy. Many people traveled to watch our team play. In the first game, the whole stadium started singing and cheering. The next picture is the Peru Trademark, which was a movement to promote tourism. The last picture is a city in the Mountains, it is called Puno, and it is one of my favorite places to visit.