ShagBark Hickory

Shagbark Hickory firewood round.

Making the number two spot on our list is Shagbark hickory. Shagbark Hickory burns around 29.6 million BTUs per cord, making it just slightly hotter than Black Locust firewood. Hickory is very hardy, and often found in handles of axes, and other products manufactured from wood.



Shagbark Hickory. Notice how the bark almost flakes off, hence the name shagbark.



Shagbark Hickory is another tree that is very easy to identify , especially due to its bark. The bark is a long narrow plate that curls away from the trunk as the tree matures. Once cut, the wood is whitish, surrounding a brownish heartwood. Due to its very tough attributes, this wood is often used as a comparison, and you might here some old timers use the saying “tough as hickory.”

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