Finding and striped bass can be very easy at times, but also very difficult. Personally, my favorite time to catch striped bass is between the months of June-October in the upper Chesapeake bay and lower Susquehanna river. Striped bass are quite aggressive and have a wide range of prey including bunker, eels, shad, blue crabs, and more. When you’re fishing for striped bass from the shore, it’s important to target areas with highly oxygenated, cold water as they are a cold-water fish. Striped bass are typically found within the 20-30 inch range, weighing around 4-8lbs but they have been known go grow near 5-feet long and weigh as much as 100lbs. Large topwater plugs, swimbaits, and live eels are best when it comes to targeting larger striped bass. Smaller topwater lures, 4 inch paddle tail swimbaits, and small cut bait or live fish is effective when targeting “schoolie” or smaller stripers. Often times stripers are easier to find in the summer time because they like to stack up in areas where the water is the coolest and the dissolved oxygen content is highest. In colder months, however, they can be quite spread out but this is also the time when you can catch the big breeders that are consistently 40+lbs!