Lessons with the Towson Equestrian Team and Elsewhere

Over the years I have moved from barn to barn, gaining experience while also trying to find the specific discipline I enjoy the most. I started riding at Woodland Horse Center in middle school, and continued until I had been admitted to Towson as a freshman. Since then, I’ve been riding with the Towson team at Featherdown Stables, and then as well as other barns simultaneously.

Britney riding a grey horse during a lesson
Cantering by on Margo

For a summer I did lessons at Full Moon Farm, and for the entirety of my senior year at Towson until I worked and ride at Summerfield Stables. I am now also currently riding at Hablyn Hills Farm in addition to these.

With the exception of Hablyn Hills, all of the barns I’ve ridden at have been hunter/jumper lesson barns, a very specific discipline of riding. While I’ve enjoyed my time at these places, I’ve been hoping to explore a different discipline, and I’ve found that in Hablyn Hills which is an eventing barn. The eventing discipline is the combination of dressage, show jumping and cross country, some of which I have not been exposed to before. Now at Hablyn Hills I feel like I’m really being challenged in my riding with these new disciplines, and because I have the opportunity to consistently ride the same horse (his name is Ketchup!!).

A horse named Ketchup standing and posing
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