(Art credited to Nintendo.com)
Summary: There really is no main plot to this game except try to get first place and, if you are playing with other people, enjoying the time trying to beat one another to the finish line.
Why I like Mario Kart Wii
1.) Its iconic. Its iconic in a sense that this game was so good that people, including me, are going to remember playing this game. You could ask any gen z person if they have ever played a Mario Kart game and most of them would probably say that they have played Mario Kart Wii.
2.) With the release of the game, Nintendo made the steering wheel accessory for the Wii remote. In past Mario Kart games, you steered with the joystick on the controller. So, what was cool with Mario Kart Wii is to be able to get to experience motion controls in a Mario Kart game for the first time. It was always funny to pretend like I was driving a car when I would play with the steering wheel attachment. Even when I would crash into the side of the tracks or just go completely off course.

3.) In my personal opinion, I think that some of the best Mario Kart courses of all time came from Mario Kart Wii. We got courses like Grumble Volcano, Rainbow Road, Maple Tree Way, Toads Factory, and Koopa Cape just to name a few. Playing those courses today reminds me of the time when I started playing Mario Kart many years ago.

This track, Toads Factory, was composed by Ryo Nagamatsu and Asuka Oda. I really like this song mainly for the nostalgia but I think that its got a great funky beat.