First things first, before deciding you want to become a nurse, you should know about the course load. Sorry to say if you are not into science, specifically biology, Nursing may not be for you. Here I am going to lay out a 2 year plan with all the required courses you have to take before apply to the program.
Semester 1:
- Allied Health Chemistry Lab
- Intro to Psychology
- Writing for a Liberal Education
- College Algebra
(and your choice of non- pre requisite cores.)
Semester 2:
- Biology for Health Professions Lab
- Biology for Health Professions Lecture
- Intro to Sociology
(and your choice of non-pre req cores.)
Semester 3:
- Anatomy and Physiology Lab
- Anatomy and Physiology Lecture
- Essentials of Microbiology
- Human Development
(and your choice of non-pre req cores.)
Side note: this is the time where you would be wanting to take your ATI TEAS exam so start studying before semester 3!!
Semester 4:
- Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
- Anatomy and Physiology II Lecture
- Nutrition for Health Professionals
- Statistics
(and your choice of non-pre req cores.)