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Best Fish to Get

There are numerous types of fish you can get, some helpful for maintaining your tank, and others purely for enjoyment.

This is a Yellow Tang, this fish is very important in fish tanks because they consume algae that is unsightly and can limit the growth of your coral. Tangs although great at keeping algae under control, can however can be aggressive to other fish, so you may want to look at getting a Kole Tang.


This is an Emperor Angel, they are not utilitarian fish like the tanks, but are a beautiful fish.  Most Angelfish should however be purchased with caution as some require large aquariums and can nip on some soft corals. Still, Angelfish are some of the most beautiful and attractive fish that will draw the attention of all your guests.


This is a Mandarin and is important for keeping certain organisms at bay that can be dangerous to your coral, such as copepods. Besides their usefulness, they are a visually stunning fish, peaceful to all other tank inhabitants, and spend their time close to rocks and in the sand.

If you’re interested in getting some fish you can find

great deals on specific dates posted on my calendar.

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