Chewie Meets the Family
My parents were against getting a dog for years. They always argued that it was too much work and that my siblings and I would not take good care of one. Whenever the conversation about a
dog was brought up the answer was always “no”. That was until we met the puppies that were born a couple of doors down the street during October 2018. Our neighbors dogs had just had 6 adorable Shih Tzus who we ended up falling in love with at first sight.
In January 2019 our neighbors told us they were planning on selling some of the puppies and that night we said agreed to welcome a new family member. We chose the quietest puppy in the room. He was the only one sleeping in a corner while the rest ran around playing with each other. The thought process was that he was going to be the easy going one.
We brought him home and we were not ready to have a dog in the house. He slept on a bed our neighbors gave us and gave him one of my sister’s old baby blankets. I found an old Yoda stuffed toy and Smurf stuffed toy. Our life ended up centering around taking care of this tiny puppy who cried on his first night, but made himself at home very quickly.
As for how he got his name, he was originally named Peanut. We were not fans of the name and wanted to change it. After throwing out names like Potato and Toby, we chose Chewie. Chewie like Chewbacca from Star Wars. We thought he looked more like an Ewok, but Chewie was a cuter name.